I am Pablo M. Flores, a computational social scientist with a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of California, Davis. My research explores information dynamics, collective emotions, and human-technology interactions, with a growing interest in AI systems and their social implications. I combine methods from natural language processing, network analysis, and causal inference to understand how emotions and information flow through social systems.

My academic journey began at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), where I earned a BS in Industrial Engineering with an emphasis in Mathematics. Before my graduate studies, I led a multidisciplinary team at PUC to develop communication software for a CONICYT-Chilefunded project. I also served as an Instructor and later as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of CommunicationAt UC Davis’s Computational Communication Research Lab (C²Lab), I honed my skills in applying computational and quantitative methods to study social phenomena.

Currently, I am exploring how emotionally aware AI can support and enhance information-sharing processes. As a founding member of Science to People, I’m helping develop VeriSci.AI, a tool designed to provide social media content creators with evidence-based health information.

If you would like to contact me, please email me at science[at]pablomflores[dot]com